Meet our dermatologists

Our dermatologists are licensed specialists in dermatology and some are internationally renowned experts in their field. The specialist education takes at least 5 years and is one of the most intensive and extensive training programs for physicians in the world. We carefully review the qualifications of our dermatologists and work together to continuously improve our services.

Picture of our medical team

Our qualified doctors

We accompany you personally, also online. Integrate your treatment flexibly into your everyday life. Our doctors treat skin, hair and nail changes as well as venereal diseases.

In cooperation with UMG

Together with the University Medical Center Göttingen as well as our medical advisory board with experts from various disciplines, we are constantly developing our online dermatologist service. We are improving medical quality so that our patients can always receive the best possible treatment!

Göttingen University logo
Germany map with pins

Our dermatologists on site

We offer all our patients digital treatment within a few hours. 9 out of 10 patients are treated completely digitally by us. In some cases, further treatment on site (e.g. during operations) is necessary. That is why we work with more than 300 established dermatologists in Germany. This is how we create fast and high-quality treatment — in any case.

For a healthy coexistence

Cooperation practices in each federal state

On-site scheduling support

Sensible combination of online and offline treatment

Interdisciplinary panel of experts

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. dent. Jörg Handschel

Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Specialist in Oral Surgery

Dr. med. Pascal Werminghaus

Specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine

Dr. med. Rafael Melián

Specialist in ophthalmology

Dr. med. Nibras Naami

Specialist in paediatrics

Dr. med. Detlev Katzwinkel

Specialist in gynaecology

Dr. med. Volker Müller-Mattheis

Specialist in urology

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Philipp Sewerin

Specialist in rheumatology

Dr. med. Alexander Hartwig

Specialist in psychiatry

Dr. med. Marc Schönherr

Specialist in general medicine, specialist in anaesthesiology

Picture of our doctors

Our medical team

In addition to our dermatologists, a team of doctors, nurses and medical students will look after you during your treatment at dermanostic.

Our team will take care of your follow-up prescriptions, support you during the aftercare and is there for all your questions.

Dr. med. Alice Martin

Dr. med. Alice Martin


Dilek Suleiman

Dilek Suleiman

Head of Patient Happiness Support

Nadzeya Klein

Nadzeya Klein


Hanna Lindemann

Hanna Lindemann

medical student

Carlotta Brock

Carlotta Brock

medical student

Ellen Heumann

Ellen Heumann

medical student