Nodules, lumps, spots, colour changes, warts ... skin changes come in all shapes and colours and are - fortunately - mostly harmless. Nevertheless, they can cause concern or simply be disturbing. Clarification provides clarity and shows treatment options.
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Typical skin changes over the course of a lifetime include spots, lumps, nodules, colour changes and warts. They range from moles, age and pregnancy spots to haemangiomas and benign tumours such as fibromas or lipomas. Most of these skin changes are harmless and do not require medical treatment. However, in the event of suspicious skin changes or existing concerns and uncertainty, clarification is always recommended. Skin changes can also be treated and/or removed on request.
Causes of skin changes are varied. Some skin changes are associated with skin diseases, such as the characteristic white patches of skin in vitiligo (white spot disease). Much more frequently, however, skin changes occur sporadically and in many cases without any recognisable cause. Possible triggers and influencing factors include sunlight (UV radiation), hormonal changes (e.g. during pregnancy) or natural ageing processes.
Skin areas that are frequently affected:
**When should you act at the latest? There are various methods and numerous active ingredients in the form of creams, ointments etc. for treating skin changes. Treatment is particularly necessary if
Our qualified dermatologists with practical experience will assist you personally, including online. Our doctors treat skin, hair and nail changes as well as venereal diseases.